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Apex Serenity 7811 Gray Machine Carpet

  • It is a special loom carpet woven from completely natural viscose yarns.
  • It is tightly woven, so it has a soft and comfortable surface.
  • It does not shed like ordinary bamboo carpets.
  • Since it is a natural yarn, felting does not occur.
  • With its comfortable and soft surface, it will provide pleasure and elegance to your environment.
  • You can easily choose it in children's and bedrooms.
  • It can be used on floors with underfloor heating.
  • It is suitable for cleaning with a robot vacuum cleaner.
  • It is guaranteed for 2 years.


Stylish and Modern: Viscose Carpet

Standing out with its modern and stylish carpet designs, Apex complements your living spaces in the best way thanks to its products designed with innovative technologies. One of the most popular models of the brand is viscose carpets. These carpets come to the fore with different size options. It can be used in many living spaces, and it adds a fresh air to your interior decoration. At the same time, it gives a stylish environment by adapting to your other furniture. It has a glossy appearance and a soft texture. You can complement the style of your living spaces in the best way with viscose carpets, which stand out among the home decoration trends with their modern design.

Sizes Suitable for Living Spaces

Gray machine carpet ; It is designed in 160X230, 200X290, 240X340 and 300X400 dimensions. In addition, there are special cut options. If you wish, you can choose 80, 100 and 120 cm widths according to the area you will use.

The special bench carpet, which you can cut to the size you want, fits perfectly in many different areas. It can be used not only in living room decoration, but also in different living areas such as living room, corridor and kitchen. You can choose these soft textured carpets, which are both comfortable and suitable for decoration trends, with peace of mind. Thanks to its soft texture and stylish appearance, it reflects modern decoration styles in the best way. Even when exposed to the sun, its colors do not lose their vitality. Thus, it can be used comfortably for a long time.

Luxury and Comfortable Options

Models designed as special bench carpets do not shed in any way. It also prevents the formation of dust and pile. Thanks to its 100% natural viscose, it preserves its soft structure for a long time. In addition, since it is woven, it does not accumulate static electricity.

Another prominent feature of carpets, which have a very flexible structure, is that they are woven-based. In this way, the products offer the advantage of non-slip soles. Its easy-to-clean feature also draws attention. Since it has a non-staining structure, it provides convenience to users in cleaning processes. Apart from that, it can be easily swept with a broom, cleaned by making a tampon or safely washed by professional carpet cleaners.

Overlock, fringed or folding option is still your choice. For other usage and care instructions, you can check the carpet labels. If you want to prefer viscose carpets for your living spaces or if you have questions about the products, you can use the customer line.

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  • Halınızı yıkarken kesinlikle çamaşır suyu benzeri ağartıcıları kullanmayınız.
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  • El dokuma halılarda mutlaka profosyonel halı yıkama tercih ediniz.Emin değilseniz burada yer alan formdan bizimle iletişime geçerek yardım alabilirsiniz.

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